100% Equity Free, Online & Remote
& fund your business!

Over $500M Raised by Entrepreneurs

dLab - Virtual Incubator
Decentralization and Blockchain Virtual Incubator and venture studio exploring new topics in decentralization and blockchain technology.
It is powered by SOSV and EMURGO.
SOSV deploys more than $50m each year to the 150+ startups and alumni that graduate their deep-tech accelerators in hardware life sciences, cross-border internet, and disruptive food. The team at SOSV dedicates approximately 20% of our time to promoting big ideas for positive global change, from organizations and movements that focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education to environmental causes such as global warming.
Our first-stage virtual program, dlab INCUBATE provides founders from across the globe with pre-seed funding and resources to develop and test blockchain-enabled products and services. Those selected will receive 12+ weeks of remote staff support and mentorship along with an investment of $25k ($16k cash + $9k program costs) to focus on shipping product and getting tight, targeted feedback from SOSV, EMURGO, and your amazing startup peer group. dlab INCUBATE startups will be given priority consideration for the next ACCELERATE program.