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StartupLab Accelerator
The Startup Lab is for early-stage tech companies with a growth opportunity.
We want more great Norwegian tech companies, and we work to support tech entrepreneurs in the earliest phases of building such companies. Starting up is super hard, and our accelerator program is designed to make it easier.
Yes, you get a 1-3 MNOK investment, but this is also a three month program that we’ll take you through. As you enter the program, you’ll be given desks at StartupLab, where you’ll work alongside the other participating companies. You will get close follow-up from a dedicated member of the StartupLab team, and we will guide you on how to best take advantage of our wider community of industry experts, other corporate partners, StartupLab alumni and investor network - so you can move faster. We also hold weekly lunches for all accelerator companies, where we invite experienced entrepreneurs and investors to share insights and knowledge.